(c) Ben Ash 2003. Mail me.

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Thursday, September 11, 2003

Chloe ran away from home!!!!

As of around 8pm last night she disappeared. Jo and I were worried sick! I made this poster to see if anyone in the area can help (ok, ok, it was a joke poster to cheer Jo up, but I did make some real ones too, but they're not as funny...). Click it for a bigger version in a new window.

Thankfully Jo tracked her down around 1 this afternoon. She'd taken a half day, and was looking in the field opposite the house. A bedraggled Chloe came scampering out of the bushes, and is even now being nursed by the lovely Jo. Seems she has a few cuts. May have been from a fight, may have been from a viciously thorny bush. Who knows?. What matters is she's back. Yay!

Tomorrow we're off to Chessingtons: World of Adventures. The weather is supposed to be nice, fingers crossed. Haven't been for a few years, so I'm looking forward to it. I need a good dose of 'having the shit scared out of me'.

.: posted by Ben Thursday, September 11, 2003