(c) Ben Ash 2003. Mail me.

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Friday, July 25, 2003

We have cats!

Ok, so they're not the original 2. The RSPCA home visitor decided we lived on too busy a road for those two particular cats. In the end we visited a cats shelter 3 streets away (The RSPCA was 25 miles!) called STA Rescue. The place was heaving with cats (and I'm sure Shirley, the woman who runs STA, is locally know as Crazy Cat Lady, or some such other pet name..... pet name...geddit?).

So, the plan was to visit to look at a cat called Poppy. We fell in love with her instantly. As STA are more relaxed about their animals, we asked if we could take a 2nd cat (The RSPCA would only let you take two cats if they had come in together, or if you had an existing cat and had brought that along to meet the new one!). Shirley agreed, and so we picked a small un-named one, who's now called Chloe.

This is Poppy, 2 years old. She's more timid than Chloe, but is gradually getting more affectionate and adventurous.

This is Chloe, 10 months old. Likes affection very much, and somewhat overshadows her 'sister' in terms of her curiosity and energy. She currently has a cold, and her nose is bunged up with snot! (She's sneezed on Jo a couple of times).

They don't quite get on yet. Chlow seems happy enough to be friends, but Poppy will hiss whenever she comes near. We plan to keep them in for two weeks to get used to the house, before letting them have free reign of the garden (we have to get the cat flap fitted anyway).

This weekend is our house warming party. We have about 30 people scheduled to come. It'll probably be around 5!! :o) Expect a picture or two.

.: posted by Ben Friday, July 25, 2003