(c) Ben Ash 2003. Mail me.

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Ginger Karate Blog

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Sorry Melanie, still nothing new here! ;o)

.: posted by Ben Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Monday, March 22, 2004

This deserves its own post, rather than being included in the one below.....

We're engaged!

As of 10:40 on Sunday 21st March, Jo and I are engaged to be married.

I got down on one knee on Milford-on-sea seafront, and in force 10 winds, popped the question.

Here's the ring:

And here it is in its rightful position:

So, assuming a September 2005 wedding, we only have 75 weeks to prepare......

...better hurry!


.: posted by Ben Monday, March 22, 2004

Oops. 4 months since the last blog!

To summarise: Working at MMI. Enjoying it immensely. No time for farting about on B3ta. Having to give up some IEE duties. Blah blah blah.

Have so far had the opportunity to travel to several European/North African countries, and it's quite enjoyable (if not sometimes tough in front of irate customers, or boring if stranded in airports).

.: posted by Ben Monday, March 22, 2004

Monday, November 24, 2003

The big news is I'm leaving 3dlabs for pastures new. My new job at MMI Research means a little more cash, less commute and more travel. I'm quite looking forward to it, but will be sorry to leave 3dlabs.

I'm in my penultimate week, and feeling extremely unmotivated. On the plus side, I'm making heavy use of the employee discount service :o)

.: posted by Ben Monday, November 24, 2003

Friday, October 31, 2003

Not much tonight. It's Halloween, and I shall be throwing boiling water out the window at any little shits who dare knock my door. Jo on the other hand has a ton of sweets to placate the little darlings.

In other news, Chloe didn't like us trying to dress her:

Click me for a new window

.: posted by Ben Friday, October 31, 2003

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Well we have almost finished decorating the dining room! It'll almost be time to start all over again. We finally found the perfect red paint, approxiamtely 10 minutes later we decided we didn't want to paint it red at all and had to go through the whole tester fun again.

Ben also took two days off work to paper the walls. I was slightly sceptical that this was going to go well but i was shocked and stunned. This is not a reflection of my thoughts regarding Ben's DIY skills but just the fact that i've only ever seen wallpapering done in twos. Who knows why??!!
It now looks really good and we are spending this weekend painting (or going to the pics, out for a meal, swimming and ten pin bowling). mayeb we'll manage a wall.

.: posted by Joanne Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Friday, September 26, 2003

Yeahhhh! something has changed with the internet access this week and I can now blog! I don't have much to say though since Ben won't let me say what i wanted to.

At least it's Friday now. I've just finished my on-call week which involved me talking to an overexcited American last night whose hair had fallen out. Obviously this is caused by the water, just like throwing up after 10 pints and a kebab.

Got an interesting weekend coming up though, a date on Saturday night and stripping the wallpaper in the dining room on Sunday. Picture 2 cats running about covered in wet paper. joy oh joy.

Speaking of the cats, they are really starting to enjoy living with us and each other now. Every night this week has involved them chasing each other round the living room and dining room and up and down the stairs. Poppy even stops and waits for Chloe to stop sneezing so the chasing can continue.

.: posted by Joanne Friday, September 26, 2003

Monday, September 22, 2003

It turns out Chloe had 2 virus infections. We took her to the vet after we saw blood up her nose. We suspected it was due to her little adventure the other week, but looks more like she ripped some nasal tissue due to all the sneezing she does.

She's now on antibiotics, and her nasal discharges are now clear. Her exorcist impresisons are over.

Speaking to the vet, and it doesn't look like she's been spayed though. That lying !&*#$ at the rescue home! Grr. So we now have to get her spayed as well as vaccinated. Ay ay ay! No Christmas presents for Jo I guess! ;o)

Chessingtons was enjoyable, but not as good as Alton Towers or Thorpe Park. Granted we didn't queue for most rides, but their offerings are a little tame/rusty compared to the other park's offerings.

I passed my final 'Kyu' (pre-black) grading yesterday. It was hard work. Probably the hardest grading so far in terms of effort, but I wasn't as nervous as with previous gradings. Had half an hour of combinations followed by every Kata I've learnt so far (I even did one twice, as I misheard some instructions). Never the less I passed with flying colours.

I've now decided to take a hiatus for a while. It's no secret that I've been more apathetic towards Karate as of late, and I can't put in the work needed for the Black belt when I feel like this. I think my apathy comes from a combination of work, new committments (IEE and adult education), fear of getting beat up by over-zealous black belts and pure unadulterated laziness! I'm going to give the hiatus until January. If I do go back, it'll be then. If not, then I'll be content with the achievements I made in my two and a bit years as a Karate-ka.

.: posted by Ben Monday, September 22, 2003